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The Book Of Prayer
Rulings and guidelines related to prayer in Islam.
The Athan for Prayer in the Workplace
Can a Woman call the Athan, and is Her Voice considered 'Awrah?
Rulings about the prostration of recitation (SAJDATUT-TILAWAH)
Times When Prayer Is Forbidden
Making Remembrance Aloud after the Athan
A Woman prays without an Iqamah
Should the One Who calls the Iqamah lead the Prayer?
The One Who abandons Prayer is a Disbeliever
The Difference between the First Athan of Fajr and the Second
The Ruling on the Iqamah for Women
The Single Worshipper is not Required to Call the Iqamah
Is the Mu'aththin required to turn His Head when saying
What should the One Who hears the Mu'aththin say?
How to Pray in an Airplane
Whoever enters the Mosque while the Imam is bowing
How to Make up Missed Prayers
The Ruling on Praying in Shoes
The Wisdom behind Reciting Aloud in Some of the Prayers and Not in Others
The Points at Which the Hands should be Raised in Prayer
Passing Directly in Front of a Worshipper in the Sacred House (in Makkah)
He prayed One Rak'ah Alone behind the Row, then when the Imam made the Taslim, He prayed a Fifth (Rak'ah)
Prolonged Crying does not Invalidate the Prayer
Reciting Al-Fatihah is Obligatory upon the One Who is led in Prayer in the Audible Prayers
The Ruling on One Who is in Doubt over whether He has performed a Prayer or not
They Combined the Zuhr and 'Asr Prayers due to Rainfall, then the Rain Stopped
If the Imam is Unsure whether or not there is some Filth on His Garment
The Ruling on a Latecomer acting as Imam
The Ruling on a Lone Worshipper acting as Imam
The Imamate of the Single Worshipper
That Part of the Prayer which the Follower Catches with the Imam is the First Part of His Prayer
The Ruling on Shaking Hands after the Prayer regularly
The Sitting of Rest (Jalsatul-Istirahah) is Not Obligatory
We prayed towards a Direction other than the Qiblah, exercising Our Judgement
The Ruling on Reciting Aloud by the Single Worshipper
It is Forbidden to Pass directly in Front of a Worshipper in Prayer
The Ruling on Praying while wearing Watches that have Pictures and Crosses on Them
Not reciting Al-Fatihah due to Ignorance
The Ruling on the Prayer of a Person carrying a Picture
If the Imam deputizes a Latecomer Who has missed Two Rak'ahs to take His Place
Whoever prayed alone then another Person joined Him, is His Prayer correct?
It is Permissible to Pray in Streets adjacent to the Mosque
The Ruling on One praying a Non-Obligatory Prayer leading One Who is performing an Obligatory Prayer
The Ruling on combining the Maghrib and 'Isha' Prayers
Passing directly in Front of a Worshipper in Prayer
The Ruling on Praying on a Prayer Mat which contains Pictures
Actions which do not belong to the Prayer, invalidate it
The Imam recites the Basmalah Aloud
Sleeping through Fajr Prayer
The Ruling on Praying while a Person is wearing His Shoes
Frequent Movements during Prayers
You must follow the Imam
The One Who sleeps through Prayer
Excessive Movements in Prayer
The Ruling on a Woman uncovering her Hands and Feet in Prayer
The Cure for Whispering during the Prayer
The One Who is led in Prayer should recite Al-Fatihah in all Circumstances
Cutting Off the Prayer
Closing the Eyes in Prayer
Moving the Finger in Tashahhud
The Ruling on Praying in the Same Row with a Boy
The Position of the One led in Prayer if He recites a Verse in which there is a Prostration
It is not permissible for the One behind the Imam to recite other than Al-Fatihah in the Audible Prayers
The Ruling on sending Prayers on the Prophet during the Prayer, while the Imam is reciting
The Cure for Whispering in the Prayers
The Ruling on wearing Thin Clothes that do not cover the 'Awrah in Prayer
The Ruling on carrying Cigarettes in Prayer
The Ruling on Prayer behind Innovators
The Ruling on Prayer behind an Imam Who performs Sleight of Hand Tricks
My Young Children pray, but My Wife Refuses to pray
The Prayer of Children in the Mosque
The Ruling on Interrupting the Prayer to Open the Door
The Ruling on Combining the Prayers. without an Excuse
The Ruling on wearing Gloves in Prayer
The Ruling on praying on Land which is not Level
The Ruling on One Who prayed while He was Junub
Whoever Broke Wind during Prayer
The Ruling on praying behind Grave Worshippers
Prayer behind the Imam with a Different Intention
The Ruling on combining the Two Evening Prayers during Rain and for Business
The Ruling on Walking during the Prayer in Order to Close up a Gap in the Ranks
The Ruling on praying more than One Obligatory Prayer with a Single Ablution
The Locations during Prayer where the Hands should be raised
Whoever caught the Final Tashahhud with the Imam
The One Whose Garment hangs down below His Ankles is a Sinner, but His Prayer is Correct
The Ruling on the Prayer of One Whose Garment hangs down
The Ruling on Combining the Prayers. without a Valid Excuse
The Opening Supplication is a Sunnah in Every Prayer except the Funeral Prayer
It is an Obligation upon the One Who prays behind the Imam to follow Him
The Ruling on Praying between the Pillars of the Mosque
The Ruling on One behind the Imam saying:
The Ruling on repeating the same Surah and the Ruling on lengthening one Pillar of the Prayer but not the Others
The Ruling on Qunut in Fajr Prayer
Lowering the Hands in the Prayer is against the Sunnah
The Ruling on delaying the Prayer
Delaying the 'Isha' Prayer
Is my Prayer Correct?
The Ruling on delaying the Prayer due to Sleep
Whatever the Latecomer caught of the Prayer with the Imam is the Beginning of his Prayer
He was Junub and He did not perform Ghusl
The Latecomer should not take into Account the (unintentional) Addition made by the Imam in Prayer
He remembered the 'Asr Prayer at the Time of the Call to Maghrib and so He delayed it until after Maghrib
Whoever prayed Fajr after Sunrise should recite aloud
The Ruling on Breaking off the Prayer for Some Necessity
Movements that invalidate Prayer
Clearing the Throat does not invalidate the Prayer
Placing the Hands on the Chest after Straightening up from Bowing
Praying towards a Direction other than the Qiblah
Praying inside the Ka'bah
The Ruling on Supplicating during the Recitation in Prayer
Where the Hands should be placed in Prayer
The Limits of the Worshipper's Sutrah
Yawning in Prayer
Supplicating aloud after the Regular Non-Obligatory Prayers and the Obligatory Prayers
Raising the Hands in Supplication after the Obligatory Prayers
Tasbih with the Right Hand is Better
Supplication in Congregation after Prayer in Unison
Tasbih is only with the Right Hand
Raising the Voice with Remembrance after the Obligatory Prayers
Remembrance Aloud after Prayer is a Sunnah
The Ruling on continually shaking Hands with the Imam after the Five (obligatory) Prayers
Whoever prostrated thinking that the Imam had made the Prostration of Forgetfulness
If the Imam is in Doubt as to whether He has prayed Three or Four Rak'ahs in the Four-Rak'ah Prayer
If the Worshipper is in Doubt regarding His Recitation of Al-Fatihah, should He make the Prostration of Forgetfulness, and what should He say therein?
Whispering and Doubts in Prayer
If the One Who is led in Prayer is in Doubt over whether He has recited the Tahiyyat or not
When to perform the Prostration of Forgetfulness
The Sunnah is to remind the Imam by saying: Subhan Allah
If the Worshipper is in Doubt over how many Rak'ahs He has prayed
When the Imam is in Doubt over whether He has prayed Three or Four Rak'ahs
If the Imam forgets to recite Al-Fatihah, what should he do?
He was in doubt and He did not prostrate for forgetfulness
If the Imam prays an extra Rak'ah and He does not perform the Prostration of Forgetfulness
You are not required to perform the Prostration of Forgetfulness
If the One led in Prayer forgets
The Mu'aththin called the Athan while I was praying the Sunnah of Fajr
The Ruling on Making up the Sunnah of Fajr after the Prayer
The Ruling on the Fixed Sunnah Prayers
If He made the Takbir for the Sunnah Prayer, then the Prayer began
Qunut in Prayer
There is no need to recite aloud when You are praying alone
He intended to perform Three Rak'ahs as Witr, but then He wished to pray more
Holding the Qur'an in Tarawih Prayers
Regarding holding the Qur'an in Tarawih Prayers
The End of the Time for Witr
Invocations of Qunut
Reciting (Surah) Al-Ikhlas in Witr is not Obligatory
The Ruling on Praying Two Rak'ahs between the Two Khutbahs on Friday
Rulings on the Lunar Eclipse and the Solar Eclipse and Matters related to Them
The Ruling on Fajr Prayer after the First Athan
Is there a Prayer known as Salatul-Fa'idah?
If the Athan for Fajr is called during Wit
The Ruling on Changing the Place of Prayer for the Sunnah
The Ruling on Making up for Witr
It is not Permissible to repeat Witr
The Ruling on performing Witr before Sleep
Pray Tahiyyatul-Masjid or answer the Mu'aththin?
The Beginning of Salatudh-Dhuha and the Time of Witr
Prayer after 'Isha' is from the Night Prayer
The Ruling on One Who missed the Second Bowing in the Eclipse Prayer
An Open Supererogatory Prayer
Non-Obligatory Prayers or Tawaf?
The hardest Prayers for the Hypocrites are 'Isha' and Fajr
The Imam waiting for the Worshippers during Bowing
The Ruling on Haste and Running in order to catch the Prayer
When a person leads Two Boys in Prayer, where should He place Them?
He is not required to make up for the Prayers He abandoned
The Ruling on Praying in Offices, Institutes, Companies and the like
The Ruling on forming a Second Congregation by Those Who have missed the Prayer
Prayer in Congregation is Obligatory
Whoever caught the Prayer in the final Tashahhud, has missed the Congregational Prayer
He does not pray in Congregation except on Friday
There is no objection to the Right Side of the Row being longer than the Left
From where should the Row begin?
Whoever ate Garlic, Onion or Leek
Sleeping through the Fajr Prayer
Supplication after the Obligatory Prayers in Congregation
The Ruling on Praying in Public Gardens
The Ruling on forming a Second Congregation
Should Women pray in Congregation?
It is a Fabricated Hadith, not Authentic
He performs the Fajr Prayer after Sunrise
Is it permissible to inform People about One Who does not pray, in order to warn Them against Him?
A legal Verdict regarding the Ruling on One Who leaves the Prayer and Prayer in Congregation
I have a Friend Who does not pray or fast; should I keep relations with Him or not?
Whoever does not pray is a Disbeliever
I said to my Brother:
The Ruling on living with Someone Who does not pray
The Ruling on sitting with One Who abandons Prayer Is it permissible to sit with one who does not pray?
Is One Who sometimes does not pray judged to be a Disbeliever?
The Ruling on Offering Salutations of Peace to One Who abandons Prayer
Not offering Some of the Prayers, due to losing One's Mind
I missed a Prayer Four Years ago
One Who abandons Prayer must be advised
He abandoned the Prayer throughout his Time in the University
The Ruling on the Fasting of One Who does not pray
The Ruling on keeping Company with Those Who do not pray and Those Who mock the Religion
Work is not an Excuse for delaying Prayer
It is not allowed to abandon Prayer in Congregation without a Valid Excuse
Being Overcome by Tiredness at Fajr Time
The Ruling on making a Second Congregation in the Mosque
The Ruling on praying in Government Departments and abandoning the Mosques
Whoever deliberately abandons the Prayer for a Long Period, how should He make up for it?
The Ruling on One Who goes out to pray and leaves His Sons in the House
He performs the Obligatory Prayers in His House due to Shyness
The Ruling on One Who abandons Prayer and on One Who prays in His House or delays the Prayer from its Appointed Time
Observe the Congregational Prayer, even if it be behind One You dislike
Fear Allah as much as You are able
It is permissible for the One praying alone to break off His Prayer in order to pray with the Congregation
The Imam waiting in Bowing
The Ruling on the Imamate of One Who smokes
The Ruling on an Innovator or a Musbil leading the Prayers
The Ruling on leading the prayer without an 'Imamah
the Ruling on repeating certain Surahs within the same Week
The Ruling on the Imamate of One Who is Unsure if He has broken Wind
The Ruling on the Imamate of One Whose Head is Uncovered
The Ruling on the Imamate of One Who shaves his Beard
The Ruling on the Imamate of One Whose Leg is amputated
The Ruling on the Imamate of the Fasiq, the Ignorant person, the Stupid person and the like
The Ruling on praying behind an Imam Who speaks ungrammatically
The Imam turning after Prayer
The Imamate of One Who smokes
The Silent Pause after Al-Fatihah
If the Imam speaks ungrammatically
The Ruling on the Imamate of One Who smokes and One Who uses Qat
Prayer behind an Imam Who is not Good in Recitation
He prayed a Four-Rak'ah Prayer as Three
The Ruling on One Who leads the People in Prayer without Ablution
The Imamate of One Who has Problems with Continual Leakage of Urine
The Ruling on the Imamate of the Traveller
The Ruling on Combining the Prayers without Shortening Them
The Ruling on a Resident acting as Imam for the Traveller
The Prayer of the Traveller behind the Regular Imam
The Ruling on Shortening the Prayers and Combining Them for Soldiers Who are Residents in Foreign Countries
The Ruling on Shortening and Combining the Prayers for the Traveller when He is in the Middle of the City
May One Who travels for Two Years, shorten His Prayers?
A Resident Combining Two Prayers due to Study
The Ruling on Shortening the Prayers in the Deser
You must Make Up for those Prayers You left as soon as possible
Prayer on an Airplane
The Licenses of Travel
Praying on an Airplane
Is the Trip from Riyadh to Al-Kharj classified as Travel?
The Ruling on Shortening and Combining the Prayers in the City before Starting on the Journey
The Distance which must be travelled in order to shorten the Prayers
Is a Person Who is sent Abroad, allowed to shorten and Combine the Prayers
Is it permissible for a Traveller to combine his Prayers when He reaches Al-Madinah?
The Ruling on Combining the Prayers due to Studying
He lives Abroad and He has not attended the Friday Prayer for Two Years
The Supplication during the Friday Sermon
It is not a Condition that the One Who delivers Sermon on Friday should be the Imam
Is it Permissible for a Woman to attend the Friday prayer?
Some of the Innovations of the Friday Prayer
Whoever missed the Friday Prayer, should pray it as a Zuhr Prayer of Four Rak'ahs
When the 'Eid falls on Friday
The First Athan on Friday is not an Innovation
If One Man gave the Sermon and Another Man led the Prayer
The Traveller is not obliged to offer the Friday Prayer
The Two Sermons of the 'Eid Prayers are a Sunnah and the Imam should sit between them
Is it a Condition for the Friday Prayer that Forty persons should attend
Also regarding the Number
He caught the Prayer while the Imam was in the Tashahhud
The Ruling on praying Tahiyyatul-Masjid during the Khutbah
Taking a Bath on Friday is a Highly Recommended Sunnah
The Ruling on Translating the Khutbah into Languages other than Arabic
The Recitation of Surah Al-Kahf on Friday
The Ruling on Friday Prayer for One Who is considered a Traveller
It is Obligatory to be Silent during the Khutbah
Reciting the Qur'an through Loudspeakers before the Friday Prayer
What is the Sunnah after the Friday Prayer?
The Ruling on habitually reciting Surah As-Sajdah and Surah Al-Insan in the Fajr Prayer on Fridays
The Friday Prayer is Obligatory with the Righteous Imam and the Sinner
Whoever caught less than a Rak'ah of the Friday Prayer has missed it
The Hour when Supplication is answered and the Recitation of Surah Al-Kahf on Friday
The Ruling on going out on an Excursion on a Friday
Praying in the Mosque in One's own Area is Better
The Ruling on performing the 'Eid Prayers in the Desert and while Travelling
The Friday Prayer is not required when one is in a state of Fear
It is not an Excuse for abandoning the Friday Prayer
The Ruling on reciting Surah Al-Kahf on Friday
The Ruling on saying Aameen when the Imam supplicates on Friday
Preferred Actions on the Day of 'Eid
The ruling on cutting the Hair of the Deceased
The description of the Janazah (Funeral) Prayer
His Child died and He did not pray over it out of forgetfulness
When the Funeral Prayer and the Obligatory Prayer occur together
The ruling on praying over the Deceased during the prohibited Time (for Prayer)
It is permissible for the Woman to pray the Funeral Prayer
Does the Woman attend the Funeral Prayer?
Prayer of the absent Deceased
Prayer over the absent Deceased is not something specific for the Messenger
The ruling on supplicating after the Funeral Prayer
The ruling on attending the Funerals of the Disbelievers
The Deceased is to be buried in the land in which He dies
The ruling on moving a Corpse from one land to another
The Deceased should be buried on his right side facing the Qiblah
The ruling on placing Muslims in Wooden Coffins
The ruling on burying the Deceased at Night
Combining two dead People in one Grave due to necessity
Burying the Deceased with another Person
Undoing the fastening Belts of the Woman in the Grave
If the Woman is lowered into her Grave by someone other than her Mahram
The ruling on burying Muslims in the Graveyards of the Disbelievers due to necessity
The ruling on burying the Disbelievers in the Graveyards of the Muslims
The ruling on placing Green Branches on the Graves
The ruling on placing Palm Leaves of Palm Trees on the Grave of the Deceased
What is allowed to be placed on the Graves
Salatudh-Dhuha, its time and the number of Rak'ahs
The Ruling on Raising the Hands during the Supplication of Witr
The Ruling on performing Witr directly after the 'Isha' Prayer
The Ruling on praying while the Imam is on the Pulpit
Salatul-Hajah and Salat Hifzul-Qur'an are not lawful
The Ruling on the Prayer of One Whose 'Awrah has become Uncovered
The Ruling on prolonging the Last Prostration
The Cure for Lack of Humility in Prayer
He caught the Prayer while the Imam was Bowing
Recitation in Prayer
Supplication in Prayer
If a Person leads a People in an Obligatory Prayer which He has already performed
A Pregnant Woman is suffering from a Continuous Flow of Urine, should She abandon?
A Person passing directly in front of a Worshipper in Prayer does not invalidate His Prayer
I live with My Family and Their Income is from Unlawful Means
The Ruling on the Mu'aththin
The Ruling on reciting quietly in the Audible Prayers
The Ruling on saying:
The ruling on attending the Funerals of the People of superstitions
The Ruling on One Who prays and forgets the Iqamah or Al-Fatihah
Whoever performed Witr at the Start of the Night, then stood in Prayer at the End of it
Are Farmers outside the City obliged to attend the Friday Prayer?
One Who travels a Hundred Kilometers
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Beautiful Dua with translation