The Ruling on reciting quietly in the Audible Prayers

The Ruling on reciting quietly in the Audible Prayers

Question :

Is it permissible to not recite aloud, for example, in the "Isha' prayer?


Recitation aloud is prescribed for the Imam in the night prayer, so that the worshippers may hear and gain benefit from it. Should he forget to recite aloud, he does not have to prostrate for it. And there is no need for the one who is praying alone to recite aloud, because he is reciting to himself only; but if he recites aloud, there is no harm in it - so long as it does not cause annoyance to someone reciting (the Qur'an), or another worshipper or a sleeper - and he finds that reciting aloud strengthens his soul and makes his heart more attentive.

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Page 244

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