Marrying More Than One is Desirable

Marrying More Than One is Desirable

Question :

Some men marry more than one woman out of pride or in order to compete with one another and not due to a genuine need. Is such a thing permissible? And what is your advice to those men and women who object to plurality when there is a need for it?


Marrying more than one wife is a desirable thing - on condition that the man has the financial means and the physical ability to act with justice between his wives. This is because through plurality of wives, good is achieved, such as protecting the private parts of the women whom he marries (from illegal sexual intercourse) and broadening of unity between the people, and increasing the number of births, as indicated by the Prophet in his words:
"Marry loving, productive women.

It also contains many other benefits. As for a man marrying more than one wife out of pride and competitiveness, it is something which falls into the category of waste, which is not permitted. Allah, Most High says:
"waste not by extravagance, certainly He (Allah) likes not Al- Musrifun (those who waste by extravagance)."

Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 5 Pages 355-356

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