The Ruling on Slaughtering an Animal as Hospitality Towards a Guest or a Relative

The Ruling on Slaughtering an Animal as Hospitality Towards a Guest or a Relative

Question :

Slaughtering an animal for other than Allah is forbidden and it is Shirk; what is the ruling of the Islamic Law regarding slaughtering an animal for guests or relatives? request your advice.


Slaughtering in order to draw closer to the one for whom the animal was sacrificed, or to attract some benefit or repel some harm is Shirk and the Prophet cursed the one who slaughtered to other than Allah.

As for slaughtering in the Name of Allah, Most High in order to feed a guest or a relative, there is no sin in that.

And through Allah is attained success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet, Muhammad and upon his family and Companions.

The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 6 Page 287

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