Giving charity on behalf of the Deceased forty days after his death

Giving charity on behalf of the Deceased forty days after his death

Question :

Is it permissible to give charity for the deceased forty days after his death?


Giving charity on behalf of the deceased is legislated and there is no specific day on which it should be done. Whoever designates a specific day, then this designation is an innovation. A question has come to the Permanent Committee for Scientific Research and Religious Verdicts concerning holding parties for the deceased forty days after his death. This is the text of the answer:

"It is not confirmed from the Prophet or his Companions or As-Salaf As-Salih that they held parties for the deceased at all - not upon his death, nor seven days, forty days or a year after his death. Rather, this is an innovation and a despicable custom. This came from the ancient Egyptians and others besides them from the disbelievers. Therefore, it is obligatory to advise the Muslims who hold these parties and to rebuke them concerning it. Perhaps they will repent to Allâh and avoid these parties due to what they contain of innovation in the religion and imitation of the disbelievers. It has been confirmed from the Prophet that he said:
"I was sent with the sword before the Hour so that Allâh may be worshipped alone without any partner. My sustenance was placed under the shadow of my spear, and humiliation and disgrace have been placed on whoever opposes my matter. And whoever imitates a people then he is from them."

This Hadith was recorded by Ahmad in his Musnad from Ibn 'Umar.

Al-Hakim recorded from Ibn 'Abbas that the Prophet said:
"Verily, you all will traverse upon the ways of those who were before you, hand span by hand span, arm span by arm span. Even if one of them entered the hole of a lizard, indeed you all would enter it. And even if one of them had sex with his wife in the street, you all would do it as well."

The basis of this Hadith is in the Two Sahihs on the authority of Abu Sa'id.

The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 3 Pages

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