The Ruling on Translating the Khutbah into Languages other than Arabic

The Ruling on Translating the Khutbah into Languages other than Arabic

Question :

A difference of opinion has occurred between us regarding the permissibility of translating the Friday Khutbah into our national language; some of us consider it to be permissible, while others regard it as forbidden. What is the legal ruling on this? Inform us and may Allah bless you.


The scholars may Allah have mercy on them - have disagreed regarding the permissibility of translating the sermons from the pulpit on Fridays and on the two Eids into other languages.

A number of them have forbidden it, desiring to preserve the Arabic language and to follow the path of the Messenger and his Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, in the non-Arabic speaking countries and others, and to encourage the people to learn Arabic and take care in it.

Other scholars held that it is permissible to translate the Khutbahs into other languages, if all of those being lectured, or most of them do not know Arabic. Bearing in mind its meaning, on account of which, Allah ordained the Khutbah, is to make the people understand the laws Allah prescribed for them, and His prohibition of certain acts of disobedience, and to guide them to good manners and praiseworthy attributes, and to warn them against deviating from them.

There is no doubt that consideration to the meaning is more important than consideration to the wording, especially if those being addressed pay no attention to Arabic and the words of the Khatib do not cause them to vie with one another to learn Arabic or to take care in it. In that case the purpose of the Khutbah has not been achieved and that which was desired by maintaining the Arabic language has not been attained. In that case, it is clear to anyone who considers the matter that the view that it is permissible to translate the Khutbah into languages which are known and understood by the congregation is more fitting and more correct and more deserving to be followed, especially if not translating it leads to dispute and argument, for there is no doubt that translating it in these particular circumstances will ensure that its objectives are achieved and remove the causes of evil. If there are those among the congregation who understand Arabic, then it is prescribed for the Khatib to combine the two languages, speaking first in Arabic and then repeating it in the other language which the rest of them understand. In this way, both objectives will be achieved and all harm will be avoided and discord between the congregation will cease.

There are many proofs from the pure Islamic law for this, such as the ones previously mentioned; and the objective of the Khutbah is to benefit the congregation and to remind them of the Truth of Allah, to call them to (worship of) Him and to warn them against that which He has forbidden and this will not be achieved except in their language. Also, Allah only sent the Messengers (peace be upon them all) speaking in the tongues of their peoples, to tell them what Allah, the Most Glorified required of them in their languages, as He, the Almighty, the All-Powerful says:
O And We sent not a Messenger except with the language of his people, in order that he might make (the message) clear to them

And He, the Almighty, the All-Powerful said:
(This is) a Book which We have revealed unto you (O Muhammad), in order that you might lead mankind out of the darkness (of disbelief and polytheism) into the light (of belief in the Oneness of Allah and Islamic monotheism) by their Lord's leave, to the path of the Almighty, the Owner of all praise.

And how would it be possible to deliver them out of the darkness and into the light, if they did not understand what Allah requires of them? Thus, it is clear that translation is essential in order to show to them what is required of them and to make clear to them the Truth of Allah, the Most Glorified, if it is not possible for them to learn and take care of his language. This is why the Messenger of Allah ordered Zaid bin Thabit, may Allah be pleased with him, to learn the language of the Jews, in order to write to them in it and so that the evidence be established against them and so that he might read any letters received from them and explain their meaning to the Prophet. Also, when the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, went to war against the non-Arabs of Persia and Rome, they did not fight them until they had called them to Islam, through the medium of translators. When they liberated the non-Arab lands, they called the people to Allah in the Arabic language and they ordered the people to learn it; and those of them who did not understand it, they called upon them in the language they understood, and explained what was required of them, so that the judgement upon them was established and there remained no excuse for them. And there is no doubt that this method is essential, especially in these recent times, when Islam is unknown, and each people holds firmly to its language, then translation is essential and the propagator of Islam cannot function without it.

I ask Allah that He grants success to the Muslims wherever they may be in understanding His Religion and in holding firm to His Law and in following it, and that He reform those in authority and help His Religion and humiliate His enemies. Verily, He is Most Magnanimous, Most Generous.

Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Pages 467-468-468

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