Successful Ways of Calling to Allâh Almighty

Successful Ways of Calling to Allâh Almighty

Question :

What are some successful ways of calling to Allâh Almighty during these times?


The most effective and beneficial means during this time is the media. This is because it is effective and because it is a double-edged sword. When these means are used in calling to Allah, and guiding people to what the Messenger came with, be it with radio, newspapers or television, then this is something by which Allâh gives great benefit to the Muslim people, wherever they may be. Additionally, Allâh will cause it to bring benefit to non-Muslims as well, such that they are familiar with Islam, understand it, learn of its merits, and learn that it is the path to success in this world and the Hereafter.

It is therefore obligatory on those calling to Islam, and the Muslim leaders to strive in this endeavor. They may do so in whatever way they can; by means of radio broadcasts, news- papers, television, public addresses, sermons on Friday. Or, any other means with which it is possible to convey the truth to the people, in every language spoken, in order to bring this call and advice to all nations in their languages.

In the same way, it is also obligatory for all who are able among the scholars, the Muslim leaders, and those who call to Allâh Almighty, until they convey the message to the entire world, in every arena, in every language that people speak.

This is the proclamation which Allah Almighty ordered in His Saying to His Prophet ﷺ:
"O Messenger! Proclaim (the Message) which has been sent down to you from your Lord."

So the Messenger must deliver the Message, and the same with all of the Messengers, may Allah grant them peace and blessings. Not only were all of the Messengers ordered to spread the message, but so were their followers. The Prophet ﷺ said:
"Convey from me, even if it is a single Verse."

And when he would give a sermon he would say:
"And let those who are present convey to those who are absent, for perhaps the one to whom it is conveyed might comprehend it better than the present audience".

It is therefore a responsibility on everyone from this nation scholars, leaders, tradesmen, and everyone else to convey the Message of Islam to people of all lands and persuasions in a clear and coherent manner. They must explain its merits, its wisdom, its benefits, and its reality, to make the enemies of the Muslims familiar with it, as well as the ignorant, and the truth-seekers.

And with Allâh is the facilitation to do what is right.

Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 8 Pages 33-34-35

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