Sending Salutations on the Prophet is an Obligationat least Once in a Lifetime
Question :
Some people consider sending salutations of peaceupon the Prophet obligatory at least once, afterwhich, it is recommended.
Sending peace and blessings upon the Prophet is anobligation, according to the Command of Alläh, the Most Glorified in His Words:
" O you who believe! Send your Salat on (ask Alläh to bless)him (Muhammad) and (you should) greet (salute) himwith the Islamic way of greeting (salutation, i.e. As-Salamu'Alaikum).
Essentially, it is anobligation, and since there is nothing in theVerse to indicate repetition, the obligation is to do it once in alifetime. Repetition of it is recommended, based upon theHadiths which encourage us to do it, except in those caseswhere the Hadiths prove that it is obligatory.
And may peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and upon all his family and Companions.
The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 8 Pages 276-277