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The Book of Fasting
Guidance and rulings related to fasting in Islam.
Fasting with the Country in which you reside
He did not know that the month had started until after Fajr time began
Fasting and Breaking the Fast according to the Sighting of the New Moon
The Virtue of Fasting and Standing for Prayer at Night During Ramadhan
The ruling on always fasting 30 days for Ramadhan
The Traveller and Fasting
The Virtue of Fasting and Standing for Prayer at Night During Ramadhan
Fasting and Breaking the Fast according to the Sighting of the New Moon
The sighting of the new Moon in a Country does not oblige all of the Countries to judge according to it
It is not permissible to rely on Calculations in confirming the new Moons
The Traveller and Fasting
Regarding acting according to sighting in affirming the new Moons and not according to Astronomical Calculations
Sighting the New Moon of Ramadan and the new Moon of Shawwal
Sleeping the entire length of the Hours of the Day
The ruling on the Fast of a Person who drinks Alcohol during the Nights of Ramadhan
The ruling on speaking with a Woman and touching her Hand during the daytime in Ramadhan
The ruling on whoever fasts but does not pray
Being wasteful with the Food for fast breaking
The ruling on the Person who fasts but is lazy about performing the Prayer
What should the fasting person do and what is obligatory upon him
The social Benefits of Fasting
The age of being held responsible for fasting
She is 13 years old and she does not fast
The ruling on whoever eats while the Athan is being called or a little after it
The ruling on the Fast of whoever ate at the time of the Athan
The ruling on the Fast of whoever ate while being uncertain as to whether Fajr time had begun or whether the Sun had set
Whoever ate or drank after Fajr time began has no Fast
He broke his Fast based upon the Radio Announcer's Announcement
A Land where the Sunset is delayed!
The Length of the Night and the Day
Repentance is Expiation
The fasting Person swallowing Saliva
If the fasting Person rinses out his Mouth and some Water enters his Throat
Using the Toothstick during Ramadhan
I swallowed some Water after rinsing my Mouth
It is legislated for the sick Person to break his Fast
The ruling on delaying the bathing for Menstruation until the time of Fajr enters
The Woman whose Bleeding returns while she is fasting
If the Woman becomes pure after Fajr, she abstains and makes up for the Fast
The ruling on using Pills that prevent the Menses during Ramadhan
It is not permissible for the menstruating Woman to fast
Do the People who fight Jihad break their Fasts?
Is it permissible for the Worker to break his Fast?
The ruling on whoever breaks his Fast during the Daytime in Ramadhan intentionally
Is it permissible for the Shepherds to break their Fast during Ramadhan?
The Person who loses his Intellect is not obliged to fast
Senility removes Responsibility
A Person with a Kidney illness and fasting
The ruling on whoever is unable to fast due to old age or illness
The sick Person upon whom fasting is too difficult
The sick Person who is not strong enough to fast
The ruling on the Fast of the Person who sleeps on the Job
If the fasting Person has sex with his Wife and he forces her to do so against her will
A Man had sex with his Wife in the Daytime during Ramadhan
Whoever had a Wet Dream in the Daytime during Ramadhan
The excretion of Prostatic Fluid (Mathi) does not corrupt the Fast
The emission of Prostatic Fluid (Mathi) with sexual desire does not invalidate the Fast
Vomiting unintentionally does not corrupt the Fast
The ruling on the fasting Person donating Blood
The ruling on the Wet Dream and Blood and Vomit coming out during the Fast
The ruling on Cupping for the fasting Person and the ruling on Blood coming out of him
The fasting Person bathing a lot
Does inhaling Medicine into the Nose break the Fast?
The ruling on Injections during the Daytime of Ramadhan
Drops do not corrupt the Fast
Do Eyedrops break the Fast?
Eating forgetfull during fasting
The ruling on tasting Food during fasting
The ruling on using Perfume during the Daytime in Ramadhan
Using Henna for the fasting Person
The ruling on using Oil during fasting
The ruling on using a Toothbrush with bleeding
Delaying making up for the Fast of Ramadhan to the next Ramadhan
He broke his Fast due to an Excuse, so is he obligated to make expiation?
He died while having a Day of Ramadhan due on him that he did not make up for
He did not fast during Ramadhan due to an illness and he died before he could make up for the fast
The ruling on whoever broke the Fast of Ramadhan due to an illness and he gave Food, then he recovered from his illness
Fasting voluntary Fasts does not make up for missed Fasts of Ramadhan
It is obligatory to make up for the Fast after being cured from illness
She did not make up for the Fasts due to fear for her breast-feeding Child
The Intention for Fasting
The Blessing of As-Sahur
She broke her Fast intentionally because of Exams
The ruling on someone who did not fast a Day of Ramadhan and then he repented
If a Barrier is placed between the Men and the Women, then which Row of the Women is better?
Standing for Prayer at Night is not specifically for Ramadhan
Al-Qunut in the Witr Prayer is Sunnah
It is legislated to let those being led in Prayer hear all of the Qur'an in order in the Tarawih Prayer
Lengthening the Tarawih Prayer
Tranquility is an obligation that must be present in the Prayer
The Night Prayer is in Sets of Two's
The ruling on reading from a copy of the Qur'an in the Tarawih Prayer
The Tarawih prayer is Sunnah (i.e., supererogatory) and it is not obligatory
The Tarawih Prayer is Sunnat Mu'kkadah (compulsory)
The ruling on delaying making up for the Fast of Ramadhan until winter
First fast whatever Fasting that you have to make up for
Whoever abandons Fasting intentionally, then he repents, does he make up for the Days?
She did not fast Ramadhan 24 years ago due to an Excuse and she did not make up for it because she did not know she had to
The ruling on delaying making up for the Fast without an Excuse
He delayed making up for the Fast until the next Ramadhan came
A Fatwa about fasting the Day of 'Ashura
The ruling on fasting the Day of 'Ashura
The middle Night of Sha'ban should not be singled out for worship
It is not permissible to fast the 13th Day of Thul-Hijjah
The Days during which fasting is prohibited
The Voluntary Fast is not made up for
Voluntary Fasting is with the Permission of the Husband
The Ruling concerning Breaking a Voluntary Fast
It is not permissible to fast the six Days of Shawwal before a Fast of Expiation
Making up for missed Days comes first
The ruling on making up for the six Days after Shawwal
Fasting six Days of Shawwal and what has been reported in the Muwatta' of Malik
Whoever has to fast two Months consecutively and he breaks his Fast during it
Az-Zakah in Ramadhan
The ruling on what is called Parents' Supper
Staying in the Masjid for worship and its Conditions
Dying during Ramadhan
Continuous Fasting
The Conditions for the correctness of a Child's Fast
The Child is not obligated to fast, but he may be ordered to do so
Stopping the Person who eats during the Daytime in Ramadhan out of forgetfulness
Sighting the New Moon of Ramadan and the new Moon of Shawwal
It is not permissible to rely on Calculations in confirming the new Moons
He did not know that the month had started until after Fajr time began
Regarding acting according to sighting in affirming the new Moons and not according to Astronomical Calculations
Fasting with the Country in which you reside
The sighting of the new Moon in a Country does not oblige all of the Countries to judge according to it
It is obligatory upon the Person who has reached the age of Puberty to fast
The ruling on always fasting 30 days for Ramadhan
She is 13 years old and she does not fast
The age of being held responsible for fasting
The social Benefits of Fasting
What should the fasting person do and what is obligatory upon him
Being wasteful with the Food for fast breaking
The ruling on the Person who fasts but is lazy about performing the Prayer
The ruling on whoever fasts but does not pray
The ruling on whoever only fasts and prays during Ramadhan
The ruling on speaking with a Woman and touching her Hand during the daytime in Ramadhan
The ruling on the Fast of a Person who drinks Alcohol during the Nights of Ramadhan
Sleeping the entire length of the Hours of the Day
The ruling on whoever eats while the Athan is being called or a little after it
The ruling on the Fast of whoever ate at the time of the Athan
The ruling on the Fast of whoever ate while being uncertain as to whether Fajr time had begun or whether the Sun had set
Whoever ate or drank after Fajr time began has no Fast
He broke his Fast based upon the Radio Announcer's Announcement
A Land where the Sunset is delayed!
The Length of the Night and the Day
Repentance is Expiation
The fasting Person swallowing Saliva
If the fasting Person rinses out his Mouth and some Water enters his Throat
I swallowed some Water after rinsing my Mouth
Using the Toothstick during Ramadhan
The ruling on using a Toothbrush with bleeding
The ruling on using Oil during fasting
Using Henna for the fasting Person
The ruling on using Perfume during the Daytime in Ramadhan
The ruling on tasting Food during fasting
Eating forgetfull during fasting
Do Eyedrops break the Fast?
Drops do not corrupt the Fast
The ruling on Injections during the Daytime of Ramadhan
The fasting Person bathing a lot
Does inhaling Medicine into the Nose break the Fast?
The ruling on the Wet Dream and Blood and Vomit coming out during the Fast
The ruling on Cupping for the fasting Person and the ruling on Blood coming out of him
The ruling on the fasting Person donating Blood
Vomiting unintentionally does not corrupt the Fast
The emission of Prostatic Fluid (Mathi) with sexual desire does not invalidate the Fast
The excretion of Prostatic Fluid (Mathi) does not corrupt the Fast
Whoever had a Wet Dream in the Daytime during Ramadhan
A Man had sex with his Wife in the Daytime during Ramadhan
If the fasting Person has sex with his Wife and he forces her to do so against her will
The ruling on the Fast of the Person who sleeps on the Job
The sick Person who is not strong enough to fast
The sick Person upon whom fasting is too difficult
The ruling on whoever is unable to fast due to old age or illness
A Person with a Kidney illness and fasting
Senility removes Responsibility
The Person who loses his Intellect is not obliged to fast
Is it permissible for the Shepherds to break their Fast during Ramadhan?
The ruling on whoever breaks his Fast during the Daytime in Ramadhan intentionally
Is it permissible for the Worker to break his Fast?
Do the People who fight Jihad break their Fasts?
It is not permissible for the menstruating Woman to fast
The ruling on using Pills that prevent the Menses during Ramadhan
If the Woman becomes pure after Fajr, she abstains and makes up for the Fast
The Woman whose Bleeding returns while she is fasting
The ruling on delaying the bathing for Menstruation until the time of Fajr enters
It is legislated for the sick Person to break his Fast
If the pregnant Woman breaks her Fast she only makes up for the Fast
She did not make up for the Fasts due to fear for her breast-feeding Child
It is obligatory to make up for the Fast after being cured from illness
Fasting voluntary Fasts does not make up for missed Fasts of Ramadhan
The ruling on whoever broke the Fast of Ramadhan due to an illness and he gave Food, then he recovered from his illness
He did not fast during Ramadhan due to an illness and he died before he could make up for the fast
He died while having a Day of Ramadhan due on him that he did not make up for
He broke his Fast due to an Excuse, so is he obligated to make expiation?
Delaying making up for the Fast of Ramadhan to the next Ramadhan
He delayed making up for the Fast until the next Ramadhan came
The ruling on delaying making up for the Fast without an Excuse
She did not fast Ramadhan 24 years ago due to an Excuse and she did not make up for it because she did not know she had to
Whoever abandons Fasting intentionally, then he repents, does he make up for the Days?
First fast whatever Fasting that you have to make up for
The ruling on delaying making up for the Fast of Ramadhan until winter
The Tarawih Prayer is Sunnat Mu'kkadah (compulsory)
The Tarawih prayer is Sunnah (i.e., supererogatory) and it is not obligatory
The ruling on reading from a copy of the Qur'an in the Tarawih Prayer
The Night Prayer is in Sets of Two's
Tranquility is an obligation that must be present in the Prayer
Lengthening the Tarawih Prayer
It is legislated to let those being led in Prayer hear all of the Qur'an in order in the Tarawih Prayer
Al-Qunut in the Witr Prayer is Sunnah
Standing for Prayer at Night is not specifically for Ramadhan
If a Barrier is placed between the Men and the Women, then which Row of the Women is better?
The ruling on someone who did not fast a Day of Ramadhan and then he repented
She broke her Fast intentionally because of Exams
The Blessing of As-Sahur
The Intention for Fasting
Stopping the Person who eats during the Daytime in Ramadhan out of forgetfulness
The Child is not obligated to fast, but he may be ordered to do so
The Conditions for the correctness of a Child's Fast
Continuous Fasting
Dying during Ramadhan
Staying in the Masjid for worship and its Conditions
The ruling on what is called Parents' Supper
Az-Zakah in Ramadhan
Whoever has to fast two Months consecutively and he breaks his Fast during it
Fasting six Days of Shawwal and what has been reported in the Muwatta' of Malik
The ruling on making up for the six Days after Shawwal
Making up for missed Days comes first
It is not permissible to fast the six Days of Shawwal before a Fast of Expiation
The Ruling concerning Breaking a Voluntary Fast
Voluntary Fasting is with the Permission of the Husband
The Voluntary Fast is not made up for
The Days during which fasting is prohibited
It is not permissible to fast the 13th Day of Thul-Hijjah
The middle Night of Sha'ban should not be singled out for worship
The ruling on fasting the Day of 'Ashura
A Fatwa about fasting the Day of 'Ashura
The ruling on seeking the Night of 'Ashura
The ruling on seeking the Night of 'Ashura
The ruling on Kissing for the fasting Person
The ruling on Kissing for the fasting Person
The Blood that corrupts the Fast
The Blood that corrupts the Fast
If the fasting Person drank after the Athan of Fajr
If the fasting Person drank after the Athan of Fajr
The fasting of the Woman with post-childbirth Bleeding
The fasting of the Woman with post-childbirth Bleeding
If the pregnant Woman and the breast-feeding Woman fear for themselves or their Children
If the pregnant Woman and the breast-feeding Woman fear for themselves or their Children
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