Visit Your Mother

Visit Your Mother

Question :

I am a young man, eighteen years of age; I perform the Salah and do what I can to be dutiful and obedient to my father. But since I was born, until this day, I have never seen my mother. Recently, I found out where she lives, but it is far away. I want to go and see her because she is my mother and because Allâh will hold me to account if I don't visit her.
I am afraid, though, that if I tell my father that I intend to visit her, he will become angry since he divorced her. I really fear that this might happen, particularly because he married another woman and has a number of children from her. What is the Shari'ah ruling on my situation?


Our view is that it is obligatory for you to visit your mother, give her good company, and to fulfill the duties that are required of you in her regard, because when the Prophet ﷺ was asked by a man:
"Who most deserves my good company?"
He said,
"Your mother."
"Then who?"
"Your mother."
"Then who?" he said,
"Your mother,"
"Then who?" The Prophet answered,
"Then your father."

Therefore, it is not lawful for you to continue to be severed from your mother in this way. Rather, nurture your relationship with her, visit her, and try to conceal your visit from your father. By doing this, you will be fulfilling your mother's rights while avoiding your father's anger.

Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 7 Pages 337-338

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