Transferring Az-Zakah to Another Place

Transferring Az-Zakah to Another Place

The ruling on transferring Az-Zakah to another place

Question :

Is it permissible to give Az-Zakah and send it to some people who deserve it in another land? I mean by this my land, because I am a stranger in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Please benefit us with an answer, and may Allah bless you.


According to the correct view, it is permissible to transfer Az-Zakah to a land other than the land of the wealth for a preferred benefit, like extreme poverty and need, Muslim relatives who are in need and similar situations. However, it is not permissible to do so simply due to favoritism while there is someone present who deserves it and it is known that he deserves it, then you prevent him from it. If there is doubt as to whether the people of a land are deserving of it, while it is certain that the relatives in a far away land need it, and their affection and anticipation is in what you send to them, then they are more worthy of it. Also, giving charity to them is (the reward of) charity and keeping the family ties. Ash-Shaykh Ibn Jibreen

Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 3 Page 187

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