Doubts and Suspicions cast regarding the Prophet's Marriage to Zainab after Zaid divorced Her

Doubts and Suspicions cast regarding the Prophet'sMarriage to Zainab after Zaid divorced Her

Question :

What is the story of Zaid bin Harithah and hismarriage to Zainab, whom the Prophet married afterher? And how did their marriages begin, and how did theyend? (We ask) because we have heard from some people incertain Arab countries that (they claim that) the Prophetwas in love with Zainab, as well as other stories thatcannot bring myself to write to you what I have heard.Please clarify for me.


Zaid, the son of Harithah bin Sharahil Al-Kalbi, was theslave of Alläh's Messenger, whom he had freed andtaken him as his son, and he was known as Zaid binMuhammad, until Alläh revealed His Words:

Call them (adopted sons) by (the names of) their fathers.

So they called him Zaid bin Harithah.

As for Zainab, she was the daughter of Jahsh bin Ri'ab AlAsadiyyah and her mother was Umaimah bint 'AbdulMuttalib, the paternal aunt of the Messenger of Alläh.

With regard to the story of Zaid's marriage to Zainab, it wasthe Messenger of Alläh who arranged it for him, due to his having been his slave and his adopted son; he proposed to heron Zaid's behalf, but she rejected him, saying: "I am of morenoble descent than him." Then, it was reported that Allährevealed regarding this His Words:

It is not for a believer, man or woman, when Allah andHis Messenger have decreed a matter that they should haveany option in their decision. And whoever disobeys Allahand His Messenger, he has indeed strayed in a plainerror.

So she responded in obedience to Alläh and in fulfillment ofthe wishes of His Messenger. She lived with Zaid for abouta year, then there took place between them what (often) takesplace between a man and his wife (i.e. disagreement) and soZaid complained of her to the Messenger of Alläh, due totheir relationship to him, for he was his (former) slave and hisfoster son, while Zainab was his paternal aunt's daughter. Andit seems that Zaid suggested divorcing her, so Alläh'sMessenger ordered to hold onto her and be patient withher, in spite of his knowledge, through Revelation from Allahthat he would divorce her and that she would become his wife,for he feared that the people would think it shameful that hehad married the wife of his son, as this had been forbiddenduring the Jahiliyyah. But Allah censured His Prophet in this matter in His Words:
And when you said to him on whom Alläh has bestowedgrace and you have done favor: "Keep your wife to yourself and fear Alläh." But you did hide in yourself that whichAllah will make manifest; you did fear the people whereas Alläh had a better right that you should fear Him."

This means - and Alläh knows best - you hide within yourselfwhat Alläh has informed you, that Zaid will divorce his wife,Zainab and you will marry her - in implementation of Allah'sCommand and confirmation of His Wisdom - and you fear thegossip of the people and their accusations against you in thatregard, while Alläh has more right to be feared by you, soannounce what He has revealed to you regarding the details ofyour affairs, and those of Zaid and his wife, without heed tothe talk of the people and their accusations against you.

As for the marriage of the Prophet to Zainab, may Alläh bepleased with her, he proposed to her after the expiry of her Iddah following her divorce from Zaid. Then Alläh marriedhim to her, without any Waliy and without witnesses, for hewas the guardian of all the believers; indeed he has more rightover them than they themselves. Allah, the Most High says:
"The Prophet has more right over the believers than they doover themselves."

Thus, Alläh abolished adoption as it had been practiced in thepre-Islamic period of ignorance, and He permitted the Muslimsto marry the widowed or divorced wives of their adopted sons,asmercy from Him upon the believers, and in order torelieve them of their difficulties.

As for what has been reported about the Prophet seeingZainab from behind a curtain, that his heart was smitten by her, that he became infatuated with her, falling in love withher, and that Zaid came to know of this, hated her and theProphet's attraction to her, so he divorced her so that theProphet could marry her after him - none of this has beenauthentically reported.

The Prophets are too noble of character, too selfless, toovirtuous of disposition, too high in rank and standing to dosuch a thing. Also, it was the Prophet who proposed to heron behalf of Zaid, may Allah be pleased with him, and she washis cousin, so if he had been in love with her, he could havemarried her himself in the first place, especially since she hadrefused the proposal of Zaid and was unhappy with it, untilthe Verse was revealed, after which she accepted it. This wasno more than an Ordainment from Alläh and His Plan, toremove the practices of pre-Islamic period of ignorance, and itwas a mercy for the people, easing restrictions for them, asAlläh, the Most High says:
"So when Zaid had accomplished his desire from her (i.e.divorced her), We gave her to you in marriage, so that theremay be no difficulty to the believers in respect of the wives oftheir adopted sons when the latter have no desire to keepthem and Alläh's Command must be fulfilled. There is noblame on the Prophet in that which Alläh has made legal forhim. That has been Allah's way with those who have passedaway of (the Prophets of) old. And the Command of Allah isa decree determined. Those who convey the Message of Alläh and fear Him and fear none except Alläh. And sufficient isAlläh as a Reckoner. Muhammad is not the father of anyman among you, but hethe Messenger of Alläh, and thelast (end) of the Prophets. And Allah is Aware of all things."

And may peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet,Muhammad, and upon all his family and Companions.

The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 1 Pages 272-273-274-275-276

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