The ruling on whoever leaves off shaving the Head or cutting the Hair due to Ignorance

The ruling on whoever leaves off shaving the Head or cutting the Hair due to Ignorance

Question :

A Hajj pilgrim came performing Hajjut-Tamattu". So, when he had performed Tawaf and Say, he put on his normal clothing and he did not cut or shave his hair. Then, he asked and was informed after Hajj that he had made a mistake. So, what should he do, since the Hajj came after the time of the 'Umrah?


This man is considered as having left off an obligatory act from the obligations of 'Umrah, which is shaving the head or cutting the hair. According to the people of knowledge he must slaughter an animal as a ransom (for atonement) in Makkah and distribute it among the poor people of Makkah. However, he still remains upon his performance of At-Tamattu (i.e., it still counts).

Ash-Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 4 Page 208

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