The ruling on appointing someone to stone the Pillars and perform the Farewell Tawaf

The ruling on appointing someone to stone the Pillars and perform the Farewell Tawaf

Question :

What is the ruling on someone who appoints another person to stone the pillars on the second day (of the days of At-Tashreeq)? What is the ruling on someone who appoints another person to perform the Farewell Tawaf (Tawaful-Wada) and he goes to his homeland? Is that permissible, while knowing that the appointed person is young?


Firstly, if the person who is doing the appointing is unable to do the stoning himself, and his appointed person is a responsible person who is performing Hajj, and he earnestly seeks out someone who he can trust to do this, it is correct to appoint him for stoning. The ruling is the same even if the appointed person is young. Hence, the appointed person does the stoning for himself first, and then for the person who appointed him. However, if the person doing the appointing is able to do the stoning himself or the appointed person is not responsibly mature or he is not performing Hajj, then it is not correct to appoint him to do the stoning. Thus, the person who appointed him must slaughter an animal (as atonement).

Secondly, it is not correct to appoint someone to perform the Farewell Tawaf or any other Tawaf of the House (the Ka'bah). Whoever appoints someone to perform the Farewell Tawaf for him and he do not perform the Tawaf himself, he has committed a sin. It is obligatory for such a person to slaughter an animal for his leaving off the Farewell Tawaf. He slaughters the animal at the Haram. Also, the person who does the appointing (for stoning) may not leave until his appointed person performs the stoning. Then he performs Tawaf for himself for the Farewell Tawaf after the completion of the stoning.

The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 4 Pages 166-167

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