The Destruction Of Towns

The Destruction Of Towns

Question :

In Surat Al-Isra' Allah Almighty said:
"And there is not a town (population) but We shall destroy it before the Day of Resurrection, and punish it with a severe torment. That is written in the Book (of our Decrees)."
Is this verse referring to all towns, including those whose inhabitants believe, or is it only referring to those towns whose inhabitants were wicked and disobedient?


This verse is very clear: Allah Almighty will indeed punish every town in the future; this means that in every town, disbelief and disobedience occur, both of which deserve. punishment and destruction. And your Lord does not wrong anyone. The punishment can vary, from sickness to famine, to subjugation of the enemy.

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 7 Pages 119-120

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