The Acts of Hajj

The Acts of Hajj

Question :

What is better for the Hajj pilgrim concerning the acts of the day of Sacrifice (i.e., the 'Eid, the 10th of Thul- Hijjah), and is it permissible to do some things first and delay others?


The Sunnah during the day of Sacrifice is to stone the pillars by stoning the pillar of Al-'Aqabah, which is the one in the direction of Makkah. It should be stoned with seven stones, each stone being thrown separately and the Takbeer (saying 'Allahu Akbar') should be said with each stone. Then, the person should sacrifice his animal if he has an animal with him. Then he should shave his head or shorten it (i.e., get a hair cut), and shaving it is better. Then he should perform Tawaf and Sa'y if he is required to perform a Sa'y. This is better, as the Prophet did it (in this order). For verily he stoned, then slaughtered, then shaved his head, then went to Makkah and performed Tawaf. This order is better: stoning, then slaughter- ing, then shaving the hair or shortening it, then performing Tawaf and Sa'y if the person is required to make a Sa'y. If the person does some of them before others (out of sequence), there is no problem with that. So, if he slaughters before stoning, or performs Tawaful-Ifadhah before stoning, or he shaves his hair before stoning, or he shaves his hair before slaughtering, all of this is fine. The Prophet was asked about whoever did some things before others or delayed some things and he said:
"No problem, no problem."

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 4 Pages 170-171

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